Our global corporate trust services include incorporation, domiciliation and rental services, accounting and reporting, company administration and tax compliance services.
- Check the availability of the contemplated corporate name
- Draft the articles of incorporation
- Assist in opening of the bank account
- Perform KYC procedures according to Luxembourg requirements
- Act as proxy of incorporation and appearing before the notary
- Coordinate ongoing relations with local tax and legal professional services firms
Domiciliation and rental services
This service consists in providing domiciliation services to Luxembourg companies, i.e. provide them with a registered seat in compliance with Luxembourg Law of May 31st, 1999 governing the domiciliation of Luxembourg companies. This includes the monitoring and follow-up of correspondence sent to the companies.
Office rental
Subject to availability, FIDEURO S.A. may propose the provision of a fully dedicated furnished office space.
Accounting and reporting
- Maintain the accounting books according to Luxembourg GAAP (general ledger, trial balance)
- Prepare the statutory annual accounts including balance sheet, profit and loss account and notes in accordance with Luxembourg rules and regulations
- Provide support and assistance to the auditors
- More generally, provide accounting support for general matters and perform any additional requested accounting or reporting work, such as management reporting, group reporting, etc.
- Where our clients are CSSF regulated, provide ad hoc reporting services to the Luxembourg Financial Sector supervisory body (“CSSF”).
Company administration
- Provide directors, managers and legal signatories
- Keep and update the company’s legal and contractual files, including shareholders’ registers, etc.
- Organize and document meetings of the board of directors
- Organize and document shareholders’ meetings
- Follow up on any legal formalities
- Undertake of the compulsory legal publications, such as convening notices to the annual general meeting of shareholders, extracts of resolutions of shareholders’ and board meetings, annual accounts, etc.
- Receive any correspondence addressed to the domiciled company and forward such correspondence according to instructions received
- Organize material issue of share certificates
Tax compliance services
- Prepare the Luxembourg tax returns and other recurring information and documentation to be provided to the Luxembourg tax authorities, including Corporate Income tax return (CIT), Municipal Business tax return (MBT) and Wealth Tax return (WT)
- Deliver the completed tax returns for signature together with filing instructions and an estimate of the tax payable
- Register companies with the Luxembourg VAT Administration
- Prepare monthly/quarterly/annual VAT returns
- Follow-up with Tax Administrations
We offer truly independent qualified directorship services to Luxembourg based companies or funds (SICAR, SIF) active in the fields of private equity or real estate.
Our role consists in performing monitoring and governance duties in Luxembourg, adhering to strict rules of conduct. The directorship implies a high degree of availability, notably with regards to physical attendance to board meetings and closings.
FIDEURO S.A. offers independent liquidator services in Luxembourg within the meaning of the Luxembourg law on commercial companies. This service includes the mandate as legal liquidator as well as, if requested, the preparation of all legal formalities aiming at properly opening, conducting and closing the liquidation of the company.
- Act as liquidator within the meaning of the Luxembourg law on commercial companies
- Prepare closing balance sheet and final tax returns
- Prepare related legal deeds (shareholders’ meetings etc.)
- Coordinate with the notary
- Keep the fund/company’s files during the legally mandatory period
Our CFO services aim at providing operational Luxembourg based companies with financial analysis services, i.e. provide them with understandable accounting records, budgets, management dashboards and comments enabling them to monitor the financial evolution of their business.
We mostly serve companies in start-up phase, where the focus of the management is on the commercial development of the activities. Our clientele includes Luxembourg CSSF regulated companies active in various sectors, such as investment advisory, archiving solutions, etc.
Audit services cover audit missions which are not reserved by law to Luxembourg certified auditors (« réviseurs d’entreprises »). Audit services mostly include statutory audits for sociétés anonymes (« commissaire aux comptes ») and auditor to the voluntary liquidation of companies (where we do not act as liquidator).
- Request for establishment permits with the “Ministère des Classes Moyennes, du Tourisme et du Logement“
- We closely and independently cooperate with leading tax advisors, law firms and auditors to propose adequate solutions to our clients needs

Fideuro s.a. Experts Comptables
2 Rue des Gaulois
L-1618 Bonnevoie
Tel. +352 26.11.19-1
Email mcazzetta@fideuro.lu
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